Major distributor of Amsteel, Hiap Hin Chan, Antara Steel, Southern Steel, Masteel high tensile deformed bar and round. We supply both standard and cut length steel bar (grade 500). We specialise in supply of cut and bend steel bar for projects.

Distributor of Southern Steel Mesh, Kamen Steel Industries, Synergy Metal Products, Yetta Steel Indusctries, BRC Prefab, Asia Wire Steel Mesh and other manufacturers certified by either SIRIM or JKR. We distribute both standard sizes and cut-to-size BRC Wire Mesh.
Stockists of House Plywood, Seamaster, Ferrari and Seven Star plywood. We stock WBP and phenolic film faced/tegofilm plywood with thickness ranging from 3mm to 25mm. We also do custom made sizes on request.
Mixed light hardwood, medium mixed hardwood and speciies such as bakau etc of various sizes ranging from 1' x 2' to 3' x 5'. We also supply custom made sizes for platforms and other uses such as flooring, decking, timber beadings, chamfers and other uses.
We are major distributors of common clay bricks and cement sand bricks from Highway Bricks, Deluxe Brickworks, Parksim, OCI etc. We also supply facing bricks and decorative brick veneer.